Monday, December 19, 2011

present day

My son has blessed me with three fabulous grandchildren and a wonderful daughter-in-law.  His original stocking was deconstructed and parts were used in the new set.  The latest additions are now complete, delivered and will be hung with care this holiday season.

What traditions have you been a part of passing from generation to generation?


  1. We give newlyweds a shortbread mold to carry on a holiday tradition of buttery goodness.

  2. My Mother (92) makes a Christmas stocking for every new grandchild. So far, 24 grand-kids, 26 great-grand-kids.

    Each bride carries my grandmother's hankie down the aisle on her wedding day.

  3. Thanks for sharing these great traditions I'm such a blogging newbie and hope to grow into it. So far, this is the best part!

  4. These are beautiful and show that they were made with LOVE. Thanks for sharing! I gave my son and new wife a cookbook from all the members of both sides of our family with photos of the people who contributed. Sharon E.

  5. What a lovely tradition! (And welcome to blogland.)
